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Monday, February 21, 2011

India Solar Energy Summit- New Delhi

India Solar Energy Summit- New Delhi
17-18 Feb 2011

I attended this summit as Solar Novus Today representative. Was an action packed conference with some good information sharing and discussions. The networking time interspersed was also quite beneficial. The downside was however that some companies used their speaking slots to merely do a sales pitch rather than sharing knowledge and learning.

Met quite some interesting people in the field of Solar and Renewables in general.
What was striking was that there is a lot happening in India, but there is no central official tracking of facts such as: how much is installed?, what is the performance/learnings? and what is upcoming?. So there was a general feeling in the participants of the summit that there is a lot of proverbial 'darkness' in India in this field. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is expected to take some lead in dispelling this darkness.

See the account of both days of the summit at Solar Novus: Day-1Day-2:

1 comment:

  1. Is there any way to install a Solar Power Queensland but what if you have a solar power so you will need also a generator to store the electricity because when its night time or have a typhoon how can you have a solar power for that electricity but If you are living in Queensland, there has never been a better time to convert your home’s conventional power supply into one that is run by solar power systems. Queensland is located in Australia’s tropical zone and is known to enjoy a great deal of sunshine all year round, which is why converting homes into environmentally-friendly, cost-efficient ones make perfect sense.


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