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Monday, February 7, 2011

Solar Energy- The most popular demand

Solar Energy has become the most favorable alternative as per a consumer survey done in the United States by Pike Research.

Solar Energy also had the least unfavorable score of only 4%. It also received the smallest percentage of neutral (13%) and not sure/not familiar (4%) type of response. The high levels of very favorable (52%) impressions for solar energy accross gender, income, education and age segments suggests that it enjoys a mass appeal to be the alternative technology of the future. Even older (65 or older) segments of the population had very favorable response to solar energy concept as did the younger segment and that proves that the enthusiasm is prevalent accross all generations. The research also noted that the benefits of solar energy are equally appealing to consumers regardless of their differences in energy consumption, home ownership and adoption of new technologies. 

Although this survey only covers US consumers, it is noteworthy as the world's biggest economy acknowledges and embraces the merits of this technology. This acceptance is now widespread and I am sure that other parts of the world would show similar results. Its really opportune that government and organisations of all countries now wake up to this fact and start supporting efforts towards including solar in their key energy mix to ensure security of energy supply and betterment of the environment.

A full copy of the white paper is available for free download on the Pike Research website.

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